(Taxodium distichum)
(a.k.a. Southern Cypress, White Cypress, Swamp Cypress)
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Bald Cypress is a beautiful species of ornamental deciduous conifer, releasing needles every fall/winter in a gorgeous coppery bronze show. This species grows to 70 to 100ft tall and flourishes in a wide range of grow zones from 5 to 10. It does very well in many soil types, as long as the roots are always damp, wet or completely submerged in water. They like to have “wet feet”!
DISCONTINUED in this size, but Bald Cypress seedlings are available every spring season
Bald Cypress grows quickly for a conifer and lives for a very long time. It is a highly water tolerant species and can minimize the effects of flooding by holding the soil in place when submerged. If grown in a frequently submerged location, the side roots often develop as knees to provide additional support, which provides the added benefit of erosion control. Therefore, Bald Cypress plug transplants are a great conifer for planting around ponds and water features. If the mud wants to suck your boots off, you’ve found the perfect spot!
Although known as a southern species, Bald Cypress can do well in northern locations once properly established. Younger seedlings are susceptible to unseasonal cold snaps, but more mature and established specimens become quite tolerant of wintery conditions. Often a young seedling may appear dead due to frost/freeze damage or drought. But this species bounces back and tries again if given a second chance.
Bald Cypress often attract waterfowl and amphibians at maturity because of its preference for wet locations, and many animals eat its nutritious seeds. In southern states one often finds spanish moss hanging from the branches, and bald eagles and ospreys are often seen nesting and hunting in the treetops.
Watch how to plant evergreen plug transplants fast and with less effort than any “bare root” evergreen transplant of a similar size. With just a cordless drill and our plug transplant bulb auger, you can realistically plant 50 to 100 trees per hour without breaking your back. You can buy this auger on the cheap with tree purchase, but with any order of 50 plug transplants or more [pls read that again, this offer is not for plug seedlings] we’ll include the auger for FREE!
Bald Cypress plug transplants: characteristics and options
• prefers hardiness zones 5-10• prefers full sun, does ok in partial shade
• mature height and spread: 100ft high, up to 30ft spread
• prefers darker, richer soils; muddy wet loamy soils; standing water; riverbanks; wetlands
• Wikipedia detailed info on Taxodium distichum
• Bald Cypress Sizes and Availability:
--- Bald Cypress seedlings [FOR SALE]
• Comparable alternative species: Tamarack Larch, White Cedar. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide