Balsam Fir Transplants

(a.k.a. Silver Fir, Eastern Fir, Canadian Fir)
(Abies balsamea or Pinus balsamea)

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balsam fir transplants for sale
Balsam Fir transplants, approx 6-12″ tall [photo is no longer accurate]
Highly fragrant and very popular as a Christmas tree, Balsam Fir can grow to heights of 60-90 feet, can grow in partial shade and somewhat swampy soils, and can live for over 200 years.

FOR SALE, shipping March 24 through end of May 2025

Abies balsamea serves well as a privacy screen or windbreak due to its fairly average 1 foot annual growth rate combined with its dense foliage. The planting of Balsam Fir for use as a Christmas tree simply cannot be overstated. Abies balsamea are also excellent for use as a landscape ornamental due to their conical shape, beautiful color and fragrance, and dense foliage.

Express Checkout:
5-pack of Abies balsamea bare root transplants >> $54.00
10-pack of Abies balsamea bare root transplants >> $68.00
25-pack of Abies balsamea bare root transplants >> $129.00
50-pack of Abies balsamea bare root transplants >> $199.00
100-pack of Abies balsamea bare root transplants >> $299.00
To order multiple items, please scroll farther down this page and use the big green ecommerce buttons instead. If you can't see the buttons, please read these instructions. Limit 500 trees per customer. All prices include shipping and a one year guarantee

Balsam Fir are so similar in species characteristics to Fraser Fir that scientists believe that not too long ago [and we’re talking millennia here] they were one and the same.

Wildlife rely extensively on this true Fir species for shelter and also for food [mostly the seed]. Although deer may eat small amounts, they do not prefer it over other food sources. Martens, hares and songbirds often take refuge in thick Balsam Fir stands, making it ideal for attracting small wildlife.

Balsam Fir transplants: characteristics and info

• prefers hardiness zones 3-7
• prefers full sun to partial shade
• mature height and spread: up to 90ft high, 20-25ft spread
• prefers darker, richer soils; loamy soils; damp soils
Wikipedia detailed info on Abies balsamea
Balsam Fir Sizes and Availability:
--- Balsam Fir seedlings [FOR SALE]
--- Balsam Fir transplants [FOR SALE]
--- Balsam Fir plug seedlings [FOR SALE]
• Comparable alternative species: Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir and Noble Fir. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide