[Abies balsamea var phanerolepis]
[a.k.a. West Virginia Balsam Fir]
You are here: Nurserymen > Evergreen Transplants > Canaan Fir Transplants
This ecotype [or variation] of Balsam Fir likes richer, darker soils with ample water. It stands out from the often troublesome Fraser Fir in that the Canaan Fir can handle wetter soils and is less affected by root disease. Canaan Fir is naturally Phytophthora resistant, whereas Fraser is not. This species is therefore an excellent substitute for Fraser Fir in problematic environments such as poorly draining areas.
Express Checkout: [instructions]
5-pack of Canaan bare root transplants >> $54.00
10-pack of Canaan bare root transplants >> $68.00
25-pack of Canaan bare root transplants >> $129.00
50-pack of Canaan bare root transplants >> $199.00
100-pack of Canaan bare root transplants >> $299.00
To order multiple items, please scroll farther down this page and use the big green ecommerce buttons instead. If you can't see the buttons, please read these instructions. Limit 500 trees per customer. All prices include shipping and a one year guarantee
The Canaan Fir is naturally found in isolated populations at higher elevations. It is slower to break bud than Fraser Fir or Balsam Fir, making it less prone to damage from a late frost. If you’ve been watching the weather since 2010, this alone is a valuable characteristic to have. Gorgeous trees damaged by frost freezes are not gorgeous trees. This species will reach heights of up to 50ft with a nice pyramidal shape under normal circumstances. It provides excellent privacy and wind protection due to its dense growth.
The Canaan Fir is named for the Canaan Valley in West Virginia. If you have tried Balsam Fir and Fraser Fir but have experienced poor results, this species is an excellent alternative.
Canaan Fir transplants: characteristics and info
• prefers hardiness zones 3-7• does ok in full sun but prefers partial shade
• mature height and spread: up to 50 ft high, 15-20 ft spread
• prefers dark rich soils, swampy soils, wet loamy soils, low areas and around ponds and streams
• Penn State Ag Extension info on Abies balsamea var phanerolepis
• Canaan Fir Sizes and Availability:
--- Canaan Fir transplants [FOR SALE]
--- Canaan Fir plug seedlings [FOR SALE]
• Comparable alternative species: Balsam Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir and Noble Fir. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide