We do everything in writing. Sorry, but to preserve our sanity around here, we do not take phone calls
If you need an order shipped ASAP, please shoot first and ask questions later…getting your order in is the single most important step, and you are more likely to get the species/size you want [first come, first served]. We can always cancel or revise your order as needed.
Got a fairly simple question? Please try these links first: our planting and care instructions page, our shipping info page, our pricing info page, our before you order page, or our Evergreen Tree Buyer’s Guide.
Email: coniferseedlings@gmail.com
We prefer email for many reasons. The most important things to include in your email are:
[1] your city/state so we can estimate grow zones and shipping times
[2] species and quantity and size [seedling, transplant, plug seedling]
And be sure to check your spam folder for receipts, order confirmations, and our replies. We try to be quick with answers, and strongly prefer email because we can copy/paste years worth of very well thought out answers and links to common questions and answers, as well as keep track of multiple simultaneous conversations.
Text: 803-265-7533
From a US based number, send Rick a text at 803-265-7533 [NO PHONE CALLS] from 8am-10pm 7 days a week. Canadian messages are blocked by our messaging service, but we don’t ship to Canada anyway, sorry!
Phone: NOPE
If you ever saw me trying to clean off my hands and get to the phone before it goes to voicemail and then play a game of phone tag with multiple customers, you would understand why we gave up on phone calls years ago. For the sake of accuracy [and our own sanity when working 80+ hr weeks], we decided that phone calls were not effective. We are a family run business, and don’t have an expensive phone system or a secretary, and I can’t hear my cell phone ringing or feel it buzzing when running a tractor or forklift. If ordering online gives you the creeps, then please contact us via email above to arrange your order and payment or just use our mailorder form
Click around our site to find the size and species of evergreen that you would like [seedling, plug seedling, transplant]. If it’s marked as sold out, we can’t ship it right now, but we may be able to ship it to you later in the year. We post future availability information on the page of each sold out tree species/size, and we also send announcements via our very unobtrusive email list.
Sizes are listed in the photos for each species and size of evergreen, and refer to “above ground height” [does not include roots]. Note that if you order now but choose a later ship date, that may affect the size of your trees…here’s why >>
You’re looking at it 😁 Our web site IS our catalog, and availability is updated constantly. Things change quickly during the spring and fall shipping seasons, so our web site is easy to update. A printed catalog would be outdated long before it hits your mailbox.
We grow and pack and ship your trees in the middle of nursery country, just north of Grand Haven, MI [a.k.a. Coast Guard City USA!]. Our evergreen trees are field grown in nearby Hudsonville, Allendale and West Olive. Our container grown plug seedlings are grown on site, but also through some pretty amazing wholesale contract growers whose product is often waaaay better than what we can grow, so we horse trade quite a bit as well. Our mailing address is:
PO Box 15
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Wedding Gifts:
We get questions about giving trees as wedding gifts fairly often, and have set up a wedding tree page