[a.k.a. Frazer Fir, Frasier Fir, Southern Balsam]
[Abies fraseri]
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Fraser Fir feature classic Christmas tree looks, with short, soft, dark-green needles with silver undersides revealed by upturning branches. Go to any Christmas tree farm and you will find this species, or just the stumps because it has already sold out. My grandfather called these the “Cadillacs of Christmas trees”, which in his day meant quite a bit.
SOLD OUT till Fall 2025 or later, see Fraser Fir plug seedlings
The famous Fraser Fir is a beautiful landscape ornamental, and is widely considered one of the finest conifer species in North America (and most commonly misspelled: Frazer Fir, Frasier Fir, Fraser Fur, Frazier Fir, etc.)
Abies fraseri seedlings grow to a height of 50 ft [rarely to 80 feet], and will flourish in fertile, rich loamy & sandy soils which are slightly acidic. In any case, they must have good drainage. As with most species of fir, Frasers are tolerant of shade when young, but prefer full sun as they mature and gain height. A good rule of thumb is to plant them from Tennessee north, but you can also plant them in areas of higher elevation. They are native to cooler mountain climates, and are not well suited to hot and humid summer conditions beyond zone 7.
In terms of species, Fraser are so similar to Balsam Fir seedlings that scientists believe that not too long ago they were one and the same. Debates continue as to whether they should be considered separate species or not.
Fraser Fir: characteristics and info
• prefers hardiness zones 4-7• prefers full sun to partial shade
• mature height and spread: up to 50 ft high [rarely to 80ft], 20 ft spread
• prefers slightly acidic soils, rich well draining soils, sandy soils, avoid wet or swampy soils
• Missouri Botanical Garden info on Abies fraseri
• Fraser Fir Sizes and Availability:
--- Fraser Fir seedlings [sold out till Fall 2025 or later]
--- Fraser Fir transplants [sold out till Fall 2025 or later]
--- Fraser Fir plug seedlings [FOR SALE]
• Comparable alternative species: Balsam Fir, Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir and Noble Fir. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide
CURRENTLY SOLD OUT in this species in this size, see size and availability options above. You may request a custom invoice to pay for and reserve these specific trees in your name for a future Spring or Fall shipping season.
Prices below include all shipping and handling and a one year guarantee*:
5-pack for $34.00 (5 bare root evergreen seedlings)
10-pack for $45.00 (10 bare root evergreen seedlings)
25-pack for $65.00 (25 bare root evergreen seedlings)
50-pack for $93.00 (50 bare root evergreen seedlings)
100-pack for $133.00 (100 bare root evergreen seedlings)