[a.k.a. Meyers Spruce, Chinese Dragon Spruce, Chinese Blue Spruce]
[Picea meyeri]
You are here: Nurserymen > Evergreen Plug Transplants > Meyer Spruce Plug Transplants

DISCONTINUED in this size, see Meyer Spruce plug seedlings
Meyer Spruce are native to China, but are very commonly grown and planted throughout the United States, as far south as Northern Georgia and Northern Texas due to their drought tolerance and ability to grow in warmer zones. At higher elevations they can survive even farther south, although they may not flourish as they do farther north. Meyer Spruce plug transplants prefer full sun, but can grow in both light and heavier soils and a wide range of soil acidity. They can reach a mature height of 40 feet, which is less than other popular spruces, making them ideal for locations where height is an issue.

Watch how to plant evergreen plug transplants fast and with less effort than any “bare root” evergreen transplant of a similar size. With just a cordless drill and our plug transplant bulb auger, you can realistically plant 50 to 100 trees per hour without breaking your back. You can buy this auger on the cheap with tree purchase, but with any order of 50 plug transplants or more [pls read that again, this offer is not for plug seedlings] we’ll include the auger for FREE!
Meyer Spruce plug transplants: characteristics and info
• prefers hardiness zones 3-8• prefers full sun, but does ok in partial shade
• mature height and spread: up to 40 ft high, 30 ft spread
• prefers acidic soils but is widely adaptable to many soil types
• Conifer Society info on Picea meyeri
• Meyer Spruce Sizes and Availability:
--- Meyer Spruce plug seedlings [sold out till Fall 2025]
• Comparable alternative species: Black Spruce, Black Hills Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, Serbian Spruce and White Spruce. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide