Noble Fir plug seedlings

(a.k.a. Red Fir, White Fir)
Abies procera

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Noble Fir grows to over 200 feet tall over a lifespan of about 200 years, and is the tallest of the “true fir” species [procera means “tall”]. It is native to the Pacific Northwest and the Cascade Range, including northern California and parts of Oregon. It is also called Red Fir because the bark turns a reddish color as the tree matures.

FOR SALE, shipping March 3 through end of May 2025

Plug seedlings of Noble Fir for sale, approx 5-8″ tall [some photos are no longer accurate]

Express Checkout:
5-pack of Abies procera plug seedlings >> $38.00
10-pack of Abies procera plug seedlings >> $54.00
25-pack of Abies procera plug seedlings >> $95.00
50-pack of Abies procera plug seedlings >> $159.00
100-pack of Abies procera plug seedlings >> $229.00
To order multiple items, please scroll farther down this page and use the big green ecommerce buttons instead. If you can't see the buttons, please read these instructions. Limit 500 trees per customer. All prices include shipping and a one year guarantee

Abies procera is a very popular species for use as a Christmas tree, since it offers characteristics very similar to the ever popular Fraser Fir, Balsam Fir and Canaan Fir. This species is relatively resistant to damage from wind, insects or diseases, and although the roots grow slowly, those roots can do very well in rocky soils if kept moist. It prefers full to partial sun and fairly acidic soil. The wood is strong, clear, lightly grained and flexible, perfect for making products requiring high strength and low weight such as ladders and airplane structures. This strength combined with flexibility makes it suitable for windy sites, as the tree bends instead of breaking. This species is sometimes erroneously called Larch by grumpy old-timey lumbermen, who wanted to clearly [and confusingly] distinguish it from other species of Fir.

Plant In Record Time:
plant evergreen trees fasterYou can plant evergreen plug seedlings faster and with less effort than any traditional "bare root" evergreen seedling or transplant, upwards of 50 to 100 per hour without breaking your back, using a cordless drill and this garden auger. Click the thumbnail to watch on YouTube. This steel garden auger is FREE with purchase of 200 or more plug seedlings, or just $17.00 [our cost] with any tree purchase, or $37.00 with no tree purchase, shipped anywhere in the USA.
Individual Packaging Options:
Plug seedlings are grouped in bundles or bags for shipping, but we offer individual plastic packaging, eco-friendly packaging, and cotton gift bag packaging for all sizes of plug seedlings, sold separately in matching quantities. These individual packaging services are available for plug seedlings only.

Abies procera grows in very similar conditions to the “not a true fir” Douglas Fir, making it a suitable replacement where Douglas might not be available. Noble Fir prefers cool, humid areas similar to those occupied by Pacific Silver Fir, and although Abies procera is susceptible to fire, it is usually protected by its moist environment.

As this “true fir” reaches mature height, the straight trunk may become devoid of branches for up two thirds of its overall height, but this usually occurs in crowded canopies where sunlight cannot reach the ground. The tree does not spread more than 20 feet across unless left alone.

Noble Fir: characteristics and options

• Prefers grow zones 5-6
• Prefers full to partial sun
• mature height and spread: up to 200ft high, 20-25ft spread
• Prefers fairly moist acidic soil, does well in rocky soils if kept moist
Wikipedia detailed info on Abies procera
Noble Fir Sizes and Availability:
--- Noble Fir plug seedlings [FOR SALE]
• Comparable alternative species: Balsam Fir, Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, and Fraser Fir. Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide