You are here: Nurserymen > Evergreen Plug Transplants > Plug Transplants Variety Pack
Not sure what kind of evergreen plug seedling to get? Order a variety pack and get multiple species at a better price than buying multiple packs of individual species.
DISCONTINUED in this size, see Variety Pack of Evergreen Transplants, Variety Pack of Evergreen plug seedlings, Variety Pack of Evergreen Seedlings
In a variety pack, we choose a minimum of three species suitable for your specific zone, but also for your specific situation if you tell us about it. After ordering, we suggest that you send us an email or reply to your automated email receipt indicating your planting area and conditions [soil: dark / rich / poor / clay / sandy / loamy, moisture: high-n-dry / moderate / low-n-wet, sunlight: full sun / partial shade / mostly shade, extreme heat or cold, plus privacy needs, wind protection, etc]. You may also request that one specific species be included or excluded from your variety pack, and although we can’t make promises, we will always do our best.
Watch how to plant evergreen plug transplants fast and with less effort than any “bare root” evergreen transplant of a similar size. With just a cordless drill and our plug transplant bulb auger, you can realistically plant 50 to 100 trees per hour without breaking your back. You can buy this auger on the cheap with tree purchase, but with any order of 50 plug transplants or more [pls read that again, this offer is not for plug seedlings] we’ll include the auger for FREE!
--- Evergreen Seedling variety packs [FOR SALE]
--- Evergreen Transplants variety packs [FOR SALE]
--- Evergreen Plug Seedlings variety packs [FOR SALE]
• Confused about species? Check out our Evergreen Tree Buyers Guide